
Have you seen any Easter displays yet? In stores, on lawns, in windows, and on coffee
tables? They include everything from eggs to rabbits, young lambs to baby chicks, flowers, and
of course chocolate. Why do people celebrate Easter? For many it is about welcoming Spring …
new life, a fresh start, warmer weather, and bright colours as we put the dreary cold months
behind us. Looking at someone’s Easter display can give you some clues about what they
celebrate and why.
As you look at the Easter decorations and displays around you, stop and ask yourself if you
have paid enough attention to God’s Easter display. God has an Easter display? Oh yes, He
does. It has 3 components to it.
The first is the cross. At the cross we see the seriousness of our sin, our rebellion against
God in all its forms. Justice demands that this rebellion be punished. The cross also shows the
depth of our sin. This rebellion includes our indifference and ignoring of God and our outright
defiance of Him. This rejection went all the way to hatred, betrayal, and a cruel painful death.
The cross also shows us the great love of God. He demands justice for sin, and then He paid
for our offence by sacrificing His own Son to pay this penalty for us. Take some time to read
Isaiah 53 and consider again the lengths to which God went to rescue the offenders while
satisfying the need for justice.
Colossians 2:15 says “…having disarmed the powers and authorities, He made a public
spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross” (NIV). Another translation puts it this way:
“He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame…” (ESV).
At the cross our greatest act of rebellion against God was on full display, yet God took our
worst intentions and used them to actually pay for our rebellion, paving the way for our
forgiveness and rescue. He showed the world the true nature and intentions of the evil one and
the ugliness of our own sin as together we unleashed our hatred toward God by killing His Son.
With the cross, God shows us that forgiveness is possible no matter how intense our rebellion
has been.
The second feature in God’s Easter display is the empty tomb. Acts 17:31 tells us that God
“… set a day when He will judge the world with justice by the man He has appointed. He has
given proof of this to all men by raising Him from the dead” (NIV). The resurrection of Jesus
shows us God’s power over death and His plan at work, proving who Jesus is and what Jesus
will yet do.
Just as God kept his promise to raise Jesus from the dead, He will keep his promise to send
Jesus to complete the rescue of all who will follow Him and bring final judgement to the earth
and its inhabitants. All is not lost! There is more for us than just this life, these few years. There
is hope in Jesus! The empty tomb tells us that eternal life is available and we no longer need to
fear that great enemy death if we will come and find forgiveness and life in Jesus who paid for
our sin and can provide eternal life.
Finally, the third part of God’s Easter display is the people He has rescued, those who have
experienced His forgiveness and have been gifted eternal life. This leads to joy and peace deep

down no matter what circumstances we face here and now. If we are right with God through His
Son, and eternity is secured, our hearts are at peace no matter what. Have you encountered the
Saviour and experienced His forgiveness and gift of life? Are you a person of great peace and
hope because of what Jesus has done for you? Are you part of God’s Easter display?
God’s display tells us that forgiveness and eternal life are available through the crucified,
risen, and returning Saviour. When you see an Easter display, reflect again on God’s and on
your response to it.