
    Martha felt numb. She smiled through the tears as she accepted the hugs and kind words of those who came to comfort her family. Her brother died a few days before and these visits did help. But she kept looking past those talking to her as she waited. What was taking Him so long? Finally, she heard what she had been waiting for. “Jesus is here.”

    She ran to Jesus and her heart erupted…no time for pleasantries today. “Where have you been?” “Why didn’t you come and heal Lazarus? He was your friend!” John records this exchange this way in chapter 11 of his gospel: “Lord, Martha said to Jesus, if you had been here my brother would not have died.” Part statement, part accusation, but these questions were the foundation of her words. Why didn’t you help us? Martha was not alone. When her sister Mary saw Jesus, she greeted him with the same sentiment. John tells us that others in the group were asking the same thing. Why did Jesus heal others but not His friend?

    Martha’s first question was followed by her second. “But I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask.” Did you hear it? Her grief and confusion were mixed with a glimmer of hope…of faith. She asked Jesus to raise her brother from the dead. As the Son of God, He could do anything…even this. But would He?

    This was her darkest moment. Her heart was at its most desperate. She asked for help from the only one who could help. What would He say? Jesus told her that her brother would rise again. “I know, he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day,” she replied. I wonder if in that moment Jesus paused until she lifted her head and looked at Him. When Jesus answered her, He said the most unexpected thing. “I am the resurrection and the life, he who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever believes in me will never die.” The one who had called Himself the Bread of Life, the Light of the World, the Good Shepherd, now added this! 

    As she reflected on this, Jesus continued. She had asked Him her questions. Now, Jesus had a question for her:  “do you believe this?” The truth that Jesus announced changes things. Period. For all time. Martha’s answer changed things for her, forever. 

    After this conversation, Jesus did two things that only He could do. First, Jesus called Lazarus back to life! This was incredible, helpful, comforting, miraculous, and …. temporary. Lazarus died again one day. This amazing gift of life restored was a welcome relief for this family, but they needed something more. We need something more. We face a permanent problem, so a temporary fix will not do. 

    That is why, not long after that, Jesus went to the cross. Jesus paid for our rebellion as the Lamb of God sacrificed for us. Having conquered the grave Himself, He now offers us eternal life. He is the “resurrection and the life,” indeed!  

    Whether you are dealing with the death of a loved one, a devastating diagnosis, or struggling through another difficult situation, I encourage you to come to the Lord with your questions. Be open, be honest, and pour your heart out to Him. You may not get the exact answer you are looking for. We often do not know why God works the way He does. It might be, that He is helping in ways we just can’t see right now. Maybe He is telling us that His presence with us is enough. We don’t always know why we face these things, but we do know who is able to walk us through it. 

    As you come to Jesus with your questions, be sure to then listen. Like Martha, He has a question for you: “Do you believe this?”  Martha answered “Yes, I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God…” and this changed everything for her….forever. How do you answer this question? It changes everything. Don’t look for a temporary fix to a permanent problem.